1. Junior TechnicalOfficer(Export Promotion) - No of posts - 01
2. Junior Technical Officer (Quality Control) - No of posts - 01

Educational and other qualifications required
1. Junior Technical Officer (Export Promotion):

A graduate of a recognized University or equivalent
1.2. Upper age limit as on 01.01.2011 : 35 years
1.3. Lower age limit as on 01.01.2011 : 20 years
1.4. Place of vacancy : Anywhere in India

2. Jr. Technical Officer (Quality Control)
Master’s degree or equivalent in Chemistry/Bio-chemistry/Microbiology/
Industrial Fisheries/Fish Processing Technology OR B.F.Sc. or equivalent OR B.Tech. in Food Preservation/Processing Technology
Experience: Minimum 2 years experience in Chemical/Microbiological analysis of fish products
2.2. Upper age limit as on 01.01.2011 : 28 years
2.3. Lower age limit as on 01.01.2011 : 21 years
2.4. Place of vacancy : Anywhere in India

General conditions
1) Candidates employed in Govt. /Semi-Govt./Public Sector Undertaking should send their applications through proper channel. However advance copies of applications can be sent directly
2) The upper age limit prescribed for all posts is relaxable by a maximum of 10 years in the case of SC/ST employees of MPEDA and its Societies. In the case of open SC/ST candidates, the upper age is relaxable by 5 years.
3) For the post of JTO(EP), ST candidates and for the post of JTO(QC), SC candidates need only apply. They are exempted from the remittance of application fee.
4) Experience in the requisite discipline/field only will be considered.
5) Applications which are received late/incomplete/without the copies of certificates attested by Gazetted officers will be summarily rejected.
6) If selected, the recruits are liable to be posted anywhere in India
7) Copies of certificates (in support of the details furnished against Sl. No.5,6,7 and 13 of the pro-forma of   application) attested by GazettedOfficers should be enclosed.
How to apply
1. Application in the prescribed pro-forma should reach “the Secretary, The Marine Products Export Development Authority, MPEDA House, Panampilly Avenue, Panampilly Nagar, Cochin-682 036” on or before 4.02.2011.
2. The cover enclosing the application should be superscribed “Application for the post of ………………..”
3. Applications for the above posts will be considered subject to the general conditions indicated above.
4. Pro-forma of application in pdf. file can be downloaded from our Website or obtained from the Deputy Director (Personnel), The Marine Products Export Development Authority,
Panampilly Avenue, P B No.4272, Cochin-682 036, on request.

For details visit